Besides being a talented actor featured in Rushmore and many other Wes Anderson films, Jason Schwartzman also happens to be the former drummer/pianist of the band Phantom Planet. It is also true he is the son of actress Talia Shire aka Adrian Balboa. Last, but not least, along with being the proud owner of one of the largest noses getting work in Hollywood today, he may very well be as hairy as Robin Williams.
This video comes from his solo-project Coconut Records. Enjoy!

Speaking of Jason Schwartzman and Wes Anderson films, has there ever been a better collage of ugly noses in the history of film than 2007's The Darjeeling Limited? With Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, and Adrien Brody, that movie is one Jimmy Durante appearance away from kick starting the apocalypse. Can you imagine if Barbra Streisand and Penelope Cruz had been offered supporting roles?! I think I would be writing this blog wearing fingerless gloves, sandwiched in between a corpse and a sleeping bag, eating a can of government issued peaches underneath a collapsed interstate underpass fending off zombies.

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